4. Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
CBCS allows students to choose inter-disciplinary, intra-disciplinary courses, skill-oriented papers (even from other disciplines according to their learning needs, interests and aptitude) and more flexibility for students.
5. Honours Program
To enhance employability and entrepreneurship abilities among the learners, through aligning Inter-Disciplinary / Intra Disciplinary courses with Degree Program. Honours Program will have 40 additional credits to be undertaken by the learner across three years essentially in Inter / Intra Disciplinary course.
A learner who joins Regular Undergraduate Program will have to opt for the Honours Program in the first year of the Program. However, the credits for honours, though divided across three years can be completed within three years to become eligible for award of honours Degree.
6. Program
A Program is a set of course that are linked together in an academically meaningful way and generally ends with the award of a Degree Certificate depending on the level of knowledge attained and the total duration of the study.
7. Course
A ‘course’ is essentially a constituent of a ‘program’ and may be conceived of as a composite of several learning topics taken from a certain knowledge domain, at a certain level. All the learning topics included in a course must necessarily have academic coherence, i.e. there must be a common thread linking the various components of a course. Several linked courses considered together are in practice, a ‘program’.
8. Bridge Course
Bridge course is visualized as Pre semester preparation by the learner before the commencement of regular lectures. For each semester the topics, whose knowledge is considered as essential for effective and seamless learning of topics of the Semester, will be specified. The Bridge Course can be conducted in online mode. Online content can be created for the Bridge Course Topics.
9. Module and Unit
A course which is generally an independent entity having its own separate identity is also often referred to as a ‘Module’ in today’s parlance, especially when we refer to a ‘modular curricular structure’. A module may be studied in conjunction with other learning modules or studied independently. A topic within a course is treated as a Unit.
10. Self-Learning
20% of the topics will be marked for Self-Learning. Topics for Self-Learning are to be learned independently by the student, in a time-bound manner, using online and offline resources including online lectures, videos, library, discussion forums, fieldwork, internships etc.
Evaluative sessions (physical/online), equivalent to the credit allocation of the Self Learning topics, shall be conducted, preferably, every week for each course. Learners are to be
evaluated in real-time during evaluative sessions. The purpose of evaluative sessions is to assess the level of the students’ learning achieved in the topics earmarked for Self-Learning.
The teacher’s role in these evaluative sessions will be that of a Moderator and Mentor, who will guide and navigate the discussions in the sessions, and offer concluding remarks, with proper reasoning on the aspects which may have been missed by the students, in the course of the Self-Learning process.
The modes to evaluate self-learning can be a combination of the various methods such as written reports, handouts with gaps and MCQs, objective tests, case studies and Peer learning. Groups can be formed to present self-learning topics to peer groups, followed by Question and Answer sessions and open discussion. The marking scheme for Self Learning will be defined under Examination and Teaching.
The topics stipulated for self-learning can be increased or reduced as per the recommendations of the Board of Studies and Academic Council from time to time. All decisions regarding evaluation need to be taken and communicated to the stakeholders preferably before the commencement of a semester. Some exceptions may be made in exigencies, like the current situation arising from the lockdown, but such ad hoc decisions are to be kept to the minimum possible.
11. Credit Point
Credit Point refers to the ‘Workload’ of a learner and is an index of the number of learning hours deemed for a certain segment of learning. These learning hours may include a variety of learning activities like reading, reflecting, discussing, attending lectures/counselling sessions, watching especially prepared videos, writing assignments, preparing for examinations, etc. Credits assigned for a single course always pay attention to how many hours it would take for a learner to complete a single course successfully.
12. Credit Completion and Credit Accumulation
Credit completion or Credit acquisition shall be considered to take place after the learner has successfully cleared all the evaluation criteria concerning a single course. Learner level of performance above the minimum prescribed level (viz. grades/marks obtained) has no bearing on the number of credits collected or acquired. A learner keeps on adding more and more credits as he completes successfully more and more courses. Thus the learner ‘accumulates’ course wise credits.
13. Credit Bank:
A Credit Bank in simple terms refers to stored and dynamically updated information regarding the number of Credits obtained by any given learner along with details regarding the course/s for which Credit has been given, the course-level, nature, etc. Also, all the information regarding the number of Credits transferred to different programs or credit exemptions given may be stored with the individual’s history.
14. Credit Transfer:
(Performance transfer) When a learner completes a program, he/she is allowed to transfer his/her past performance to another academic program having some common courses and Performance transfer is said to have taken place.
15. Course Exemption:
Occasionally, when two academic programs offered by a single university or by more than one university, may have some common or equivalent course-content, the learner who has already completed one of these academic programs is allowed to skip these ‘equivalent’ courses while registering for the new program. The Learner is ‘exempted’ from ‘relearning’ the common or equivalent content area and from re-appearing for the concerned examinations. It is thus taken for granted that the learner has already collected in the past the credits corresponding to the exempted courses.
Part II
Note: The Ordinances and Regulations given below apply to Under Graduate Programmes of the University.
The minimum duration of the Under Graduate Programme will be of 3 years in the Semester pattern i.e. from Sem. I to Sem. VI.
The degree will be awarded to a learner who completes 120 credits of the programme in a period of 3 to 6 years from the year of enrolment to semester VI.
If a learner does not earn 120 credits in 12 semesters from the year of enrolment to semester I, he/she may at his/her option transfer his/her performance in the existing/new program after establishing an equivalence between old and new syllabus. Such a performance transfer will be decided by the Board of Studies / Ad-hoc Board / Ad hoc Committee of the concerned subject. The admission to the program will be governed by the existing rules
O***** The fees for the transfer of credits or performance will be based on the number of credits that a learner has to complete for the award of the degree.
R ****
Credits earned at one institution for one or more courses under a given program will be accepted under another program either by the same institution or another institution either through Direct Performance Transfer or Course exemption.
R**** The Scheme of Teaching and Examination:
The Scheme of Teaching and Examination shall be divided into TWO components, internal assessment and External assessment (semester-end examination) for each course of the program.
The performance of the learners shall be evaluated in two components: Internal Assessment with 40% marks by way of continuous evaluation and by Semester End Examination with 60% marks by conducting the theory examination.
Internal Assessment: ‐
It is defined as the assessment of the learners based on continuous evaluation as envisaged in the credit-based system by way of participation of learners in various academic and correlated activities in the given semester of the programme.
Internal Assessment – 40% 40 marks
1 For Theory Courses
Sr.No. |
Particulars |
Marks |
1 |
ONE class test / online examination to be conducted in the given semester |
15 Marks |
2 |
One assignment based on curriculum (to be assessed by the teacher Concerned |
10 Marks |
3 |
Self-Learning Evaluation |
10 Marks |
4 |
Active participation in routine class instructional deliveries |
05 Marks |
2 For Practical Courses
Sr.No. |
Particulars |
Marks |
1 |
Semester End Practical Examination |
15 Marks |
Journal |
05 Marks |
Viva |
05 Marks |
Laboratory Work |
05 Marks |
2. |
One assignment/project with the class presentation to be assessed by teacher concerned |
10 Marks |
Presentation |
05 Marks |
Written Document |
05 Marks |
3 |
Self-Learning Evaluation |
10 Marks |
4 |
Active participation in routine class / Laboratory instructional deliveries |
05 Marks |
Project and Assignment:
- Project and Assignment:
- Project or Assignment, which can in the following forms
- Case Studies
- Videos
- Blogs
- Research paper (Presented in Seminar/Conference)
- Field Visit Report
- Presentations related to the subject (Moot Court, Youth Parliament, etc.)
- Internships (Exposition of theory into practice)
- Open Book Test
- Any other innovative methods
- Self-Learning Evaluation
- 20% of the topics of the curriculum are learned by the student through self-learning using online/offline academic resource specified in the curriculum. Hence 20% of the lectures shall be allocated for evaluation of students on self-learning topics.
- The identified topics in the syllabus shall be learnt independently by the students in a time-bound manner preferably from online resources. Evaluative sessions shall be conducted by the teachers and will carry 10 Marks.
- club the self-learning topics into 3-4 groups of topics only for evaluation.
- Prescribe time duration (in days) for completion of each group of the topic and earmark self-learning evaluation lectures in the timetable. Hence each group of the topic can be assigned 3 regular lectures for this evaluation for the entire class.
3 Sub Topics
Each evaluative session shall carry 3 Marks (3 x 3 Units = 9 Marks). Students who participate in all evaluative sessions shall be awarded 1 additional Mark.
4 Sub Topics
Each evaluative session shall carry 2.5 Marks (2.5 x 4 Units = 10 Marks).
- Evaluation of self-learning topics can commence in regular lectures assigned for self-learning evaluation in the timetable
- All students will actively participate in the presentation of each of the sub-topics.
- SUGGESTIVE Methods for Evaluation of Self-learning topics IN LECTURES:
- Seminars/presentation (PPT or poster), followed by Q&A
- Objective questions /Quiz / Framing of MCQ questions.
- Debates
- Group discussion
- You-Tube videos (Marks shall be based on the quality and viewership)
- Improvisation of videos
- Role Play followed by question-answers
- Viva Voce
- Any other innovative method
Student can be evaluated based on the quality of presentation, quality of q & a, the framing of the quiz, conduct of quiz, performance in debate etc
- Teachers can frame other methods of evaluation also provided that the method, duly approved by the college examination committee, is notified to the students at least 7 days before the commencement of the evaluation session and is forwarded for information and necessary action at least 3 days before the commencement of the evaluation session.
It is defined as the examination of the learners based on performance in the semester-end theory / written examinations.
B. Semester End Examination- 60 % 60 Marks
- Duration – These examinations shall be of 2 hours duration.
- Question Paper Pattern: ‐
- There shall be four questions each of 15 marks.
- All questions shall be compulsory with internal choice within the questions.
- The question may be sub‐divided into sub‐questions a, b, c, d & e only and the allocation of marks depends on the weightage of the topic.
The marks of the internal assessment should not be disclosed to the students till the results of the corresponding semester is declared by the University.
Part III
The learners to pass a course shall have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate for each course where the course consists of Internal Assessment & Semester End Examination. The learners shall obtain a minimum of 40% marks (i.e. 16 out of 40) in the Internal Assessment and 40% marks in Semester End Examination (i.e. 24 Out of 60) separately, to pass the course and minimum of Grade D in each project, wherever applicable, to pass a particular semester. A learner will be said to have passed the course if the learner passes the Internal Assessment & Semester End Examination together.
Performance Grading
The PERFORMANCE GRADING of the learners shall be on the TEN point ranking system as under:
Grade |
Marks Grade |
Points |
O |
80 &above |
10 |
A+ |
70 to 79.99 |
9 |
A |
60 to 69.99 |
8 |
B+ |
55 to 59.99 |
7 |
B |
50 to 54.99 |
6 |
C |
45 to 49.99 |
5 |
D |
40 to 44.99 |
4 |
F (Fail) |
39.99 & below |
0 |
The performance grading shall be based on the aggregate performance of Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination.
- A learner who PASSES in the Internal Examination but FAILS in the Semester End Examination of the course shall reappear for the Semester End Examination of that course. However, his/her marks of the Internal Examinations shall be carried over and he/she shall be entitled to the grade obtained by him/her on passing.
- A learner who PASSES in the Semester End Examination but FAILS in the Internal Assessment of the course shall reappear for the Internal Examination of that course. However, his/her marks of the Semester End Examination shall be carried over and he/she shall be entitled to the grade obtained by him/her on passing.
- A) For Theory Courses
In case of a learner who is reappearing for the Internal Examination, the examination will consist of one project of 40 marks which will be divided into 20 marks for the documentation of the project, 10 marks for the presentation and 10 marks for the viva and the interaction.
B) For Practical Courses
In case of a learner who is reappearing for the Internal Examination for subjects with Practical/fieldwork, the examinations will consist of practical examination of 40 marks which will be divided into 20 marks for the laboratory work, 10 marks for the Viva Examination and 10 marks for the Journal.
ATKT Rules is read as under: -
- A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester II irrespective of the number of heads of failure in the Semester I.
- A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester III- if he/she passes each of Semester I & Semester II
A learner who fails in not more than four courses of Semester I and Semester II taken together with not more than two courses each in the semester I & II.
- A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester IV irrespective of the number of heads of failure in Semester III.
- d.A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester V-
if he/she passes Semester I, Semester II, Semester III and Semester IV
A learner shall pass Semester I and Semester II and fails in not more than four courses of Semester III and Semester IV taken together with not more than two courses each in sem. III & Sem. IV
A learner shall pass Semester III and IV and fails in not more than four courses of Semester I and Semester II taken together with not more than two courses each in sem. I & Sem. II
- A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester VI irrespective of the number of heads of failure in the Semester V.
- The result of Semester VI shall be kept in abeyance until the learner passes each of Semester I, Semester II, Semester III, Semester IV and Semester V.
Additional Examination
Eligibility norms to appear for the additional class test or assignment or project for learners who remained absent:
- The learner must apply to the Head of the Institution giving the reason(s) for the absence within 8 days of the conduct of the examination along with the necessary documents and testimonials.
- If the learner is absent for participation in Inter-Collegiate events, State or National or International level events, Training camp or coaching camp organized by authorized university or state or national or international bodies, NSS / NCC Events / Camps / cultural activities/sports activities/research festival or any other activities authenticated by the head of the institution, the head of the Institution shall generally grant permission to the learner to appear for the additional class test or assignment.
- The Head of the Institution, on scrutiny of the documents and testimonials, may grant the permission to the learner to appear for the additional examination.
Class test or assignment for Internal Assessment for theory courses:
- A learner who is absent for the class test and the assignment/self-learning evaluation will be declared fail in the Internal Assessment Scheme.
- A learner who is absent for the class tests and has appeared for the assignment will be allowed to appear for the additional class test.
- A learner who has appeared for the class test but remains absent for the assignment will be allowed to appear for the additional assignment.
- A learner who is absent for any of the evaluation session of Self Learning and is eligible under clause b above for Condonation then the respective subject teacher will accommodate such teacher in subsequent evaluation after satisfying with the reasons of absence. The decision of the subject teacher shall be final under such circumstances.
Class test or assignment for Internal Assessment for Practical Courses:
- A learner who is absent for the Semester End Practical Examination and the assignment/project will be declared fail in the Internal Assessment Scheme.
- A learner who has appeared for Semester End Practical Examination but remains absent for the assignment will be allowed to appear for the additional assignment and the internal assessment will be calculated as out of 40 marks.
- A learner who is absent for any of the evaluation session of Self Learning and is eligible under clause b above for Condonation then the respective subject teacher will accommodate such teacher in subsequent evaluation after satisfying with the reasons of absence. The decision of the subject teacher shall be final under such circumstances.
The Additional Class Test or Assignment must be conducted 15 days before the commencement of the Semester End Examination after following the necessary procedure and completing the formalities.
Additional Semester End Examination
A learner who does not appear i.e. remains absent in some or all the courses on medical grounds or for representing the college/university in sports, cultural activities, activities of NSS, NCC or sports training camps conducted by recognized bodies / competent authorities or for any other reason which is considered valid under exceptional circumstances and to the satisfaction of the Principal or the Head of the Institute is eligible to appear for the additional examination.
A learner who does not appear for both the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination shall not be eligible to appear for the additional Semester End Examination.
The additional Semester End Examination shall be of two hours duration and 60 marks per course. The learner shall appear for the Semester End Examination for which he/she was absent. Learners who are punished by the Unfair Means Committee are not eligible to appear for this additional examination.
It is not the right of the leaner, who has remained absent, to appear for the additional examination without fulfilling the norms prescribed by the Head of the Institution/ Department / Principal of the College.
- There will be one additional examination for the semester I, II, III and IV for those who have remained absent.
- The absent learner will be allowed to appear for the examination by the head of the institution after following the necessary formalities subject to the reasons for the satisfaction of the head of the institution.